The Guardian Blue Star Status

Sport Safeguarding Awareness Certificate

    This course should be completed by every person and/or coach who coaches, works or volunteers within any sports code, whether associated to a club or not, and who may, through coaching or assistance, come in contact with a vulnerable athlete or child.
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The Guardian Blue Star Status

Sport Designated Safeguarding Officer

    This course should be completed by every person who has been identified as a Designated Safeguarding Officer/Lead. This person should be Trained and Empowered to assisting the National Federation and Club Chairperson.
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The Guardian Blue Star Status

Schools Safeguarding Awareness Certificate

    This course should be completed by every person who works or volunteers in any school, and who may through that work, either as an employee or as a volunteer, come into contact with any learner.
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The Guardian Blue Star Status

Schools Safeguarding Awareness Certificate

    This course should be completed by every person who works or volunteers in any school, and who may through that work, either as an employee or as a volunteer, come into contact with any learner.

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The Guardian Blue Star Status

Business 2 Business Bulk Purchases

    Empower your coaches, administrators or teachers with our Safeguarding Awareness Certificate or Designated Safeguarding Officer/Lead Courses. Unlock discounts on bulk purchases of 50 courses or more, offering cost-effective solutions.

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The Guardian is South Africa’s only fully-outsourced Proactive and Reactive Safeguarding Company, and was started in 2009 by Marc Hardwick, an ex-Detective Sergeant in the Child Protection Unit.

Safety and Safeguarding

In understanding this statement, it is important to understand the difference between Safety and Safeguarding. Safety is the protection against environmental factors, that those who choose to come into your organisation may encounter. Safety, in most organisations is addressed through compliance, with things like the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and various security measures that may be put in place.

Safeguarding on the other hand, are the actions that are taken by your organisation, to mitigate the possibility that your staff, volunteers, service providers, or even clients, may use their influence to develop toxic relationships with each other or your “clients” (learners, athletes, children, patrons, etc.). This may include, but is not limited to Sexual Harassment, Grooming, Bullying, Harassment, inappropriate online relationships, assault, sexual assault, etc.

The Four and Six

Safeguarding therefore, is proactive. Organisations who, through their operations, place themselves and/or their staff in positions where they would have authority over vulnerable persons, especially children, must consider the risks that come with that responsibility. Getting the foundation right for proactive safeguarding is critical, and the easiest way to understand this, is through The Guardian’s developed principle of “The Four and Six”.

Reach Blue Star Status

Schools are able to become Blue Star Status schools. Blue Star Status is the highest level achievable for safeguarding.

The Guardian Blue Star Status

Establishing a culture of safeguarding is a process and not an action. Only those responsible for driving that process will genuinely safeguard children.

Marc Hardwick, Managing Director of The Guardian

Our Mission

Our team shares a passion for the safeguarding of human beings and, even more so, those who are the most vulnerable. We aim to protect all humans, through innovative, proactive solutions, that adapt to the ever-changing risks facing the communities we serve.

Our Vision

Eliminating vulnerability of all persons, by establishing a safeguarding culture.

How can we help you?